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Person working with a book and calculator with the hashtag overlayed saying business loan.
Business Loans | Blog
How business loans work in South Africa: your 2023 guide
May 02, 2023

So, you’ve got a small local business up and running and the time has come to expand your operations, buy new equipment, or hire new staff – which is why you’re staring at your laptop, looking up how business loans work in South Africa. Well, we’re happy to report that you’ve come to the right…

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Business Loans | Blog
Getting a small business loan is a big business idea
April 24, 2023

Debt is not regarded with much favour in many circles. We blame Shakespeare. If it weren’t for The Merchant of Venice, maybe getting a small business loan wouldn’t be fraught with so many misconceptions.  Honestly, we get it. The idea of owing money to someone else can feel like a pair of shackles. But the…

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Business Loans | Blog
The 2023 guide to: how to qualify for a business loan in South Africa
April 11, 2023

Whether business owners are at the beginning or in the middle of their journey as an SME, one challenge remains constant: access to business funding. As a result, business leaders are always vigilantly looking out for financial solutions, and they normally begin by investigating how to qualify for a business loan in South Africa.  We’ll…

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Business Loans | Blog
Alternative funding for business: revolving credit
March 27, 2023

Given just how cumbersome and slow traditional funding channels can be, more and more SMEs are researching alternative funding for business. And why wouldn’t they? If the Minister of Finance’s budget speech and the President’s State of the Nation Address told us anything this past month, it was that South African SMEs are the engines…

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Bridgement team huddle
Business Loans | Blog
BridgePay: Alternative funding for business
January 31, 2023

When you’re on the hunt for alternative funding for business, trade credit might not be the first solution that comes to mind. But using trade credit – whether you’re selling to or buying from other businesses – is a convenient and effective way of solving the same cash flow challenges that would push you to…

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Business Loans | Blog
Why SMEs that need a business loan are losing interest in business funding
January 23, 2023

We’re going to come out and say it: securing business funding sucks. Outdated business funding processes belong to an anachronistic lending system which – let’s face it – is crumbling under the advance of a more customer-centric fintech industry. SMEs that need a business loan are losing interest in these processes – literally. When you…

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Business Loans | Blog
A finance partner is better than a loan facilitator
April 12, 2022

Gone are the days of walking into a bank and putting both your business and yourself on the line in front of a preoccupied loan officer who could on one hand reject your application because they want to leave early, or accept it and tie you into a lifetime of debt and repayments under the…

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State of the Nation address Revolving Credit good credit score to get small business loans
Financing | Business Loans | Blog
What is a good credit score to get small business loans?
January 27, 2020

Credit scores are an important factor for lenders in determining to offer a small business loan to an applicant. To lenders, your credit score reflects how well you handle money. They may interpret a low credit score as an applicant not possessing the proper skills to manage finances.  Can I get a business loan with…

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