Our Blog

Tips, advice, news and more to run and grow your business.
Blog | Short Terms Loans
Financing for Homeowner’s Associations in South Africa
July 10, 2024

As entities that oversee the management and maintenance of communal spaces in a building complex or a neighbourhood, Homeowners’ Associations (HOAs) bear significant financial responsibilities for the communities they serve. Between maintaining the grounds, insurance, and common utilities, and managing the overall finances of a building or a neighbourhood, it’s little wonder that the community…

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Blog | Financing
Need for Speed: How Fast Can SMEs Get Business Funding?
July 08, 2024

For business owners who need to get business funding fast, short-term cash flow finance is your best bet. The good news is that, when your cash flow is temporarily in danger of slowing to a trickle, you can access business funding much faster than you might think.  There are other benefits to having accessible cash…

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Blog | Business Loans
Small Business Loans Are Key to a Big Business Growth Plan
July 02, 2024

Taking out small business loans is a viable strategy for supporting the long-term growth of a business, but only if it forms part of a larger growth plan. Crafting a growth plan is comparable to creating a roadmap for your growing business: outlining the next steps to take, to reach a series of destination goals. …

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Financing | Blog
What Financing Options Are Available to South African Youth?
June 19, 2024

With Youth Day fresh on the minds of most South Africans, our thoughts are with the many young entrepreneurs who make critical contributions to the economy by running local SMEs. Small businesses employ between 50-60% of the South African workforce, yet many young business owners struggle to secure financing options suitably tailored to their growing…

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Financing | Blog
Best Unsecured Business Loans for Restaurants
June 18, 2024

Astonishing speed, agile reaction times, and the ability to deliver just the right amount of spice (have you seen our billboards?) — these are the top qualities that Bridgement shares with most chefs. Because we know that the best unsecured business loans for restaurants are those that can be approved faster than it takes to…

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Financing | Business Loans | Blog
Small Business Funding Options for Solar Energy Solutions
June 04, 2024

Although the government has adopted an optimistic stance on the future of load shedding in South Africa, there are plenty of good reasons why local SMEs should still consider investing in solar energy solutions. But investing in alternative energy is costly; so, what are the small business funding options for solar energy solutions?   Can businesses…

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Business Loans | Blog
Business Loan Options for Physiotherapists, Biokineticists, and Chiropractors
June 03, 2024

As medical professionals with entrepreneurial spirit, physiotherapists, biokineticists, and chiropractors who go on to open private practices are often seeking business loan options to help grow their businesses.   Considering the many growth opportunities that become available in these fields, medical professionals and business owners need to familiarise themselves with their business loan options. Alternative finance…

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Business Loans | Blog
The Pros and Cons (and Alternatives) of a Business Overdraft
May 27, 2024

If you’ve ever used an overdraft facility on your personal account, then you’ll have a good idea of how a business overdraft works. This fast, flexible, short-term credit facility is great for covering unforeseen expenses and cash flow gaps on short notice.  However, there are other equally fast and flexible funding options available to businesses…

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Business Advice | Blog | Financing
Your 2024 Guide to Cash Flow Funding
May 02, 2024

“Never take your eyes off the cash flow because it’s the lifeblood of business,” was Sir Richard Branson’s sage advice to business owners. In his 2006 book, Screw It, Let’s Do It he also warns that “Long-term success will never come if profit is the only aim.” Somewhat ironically for a business magnate and billionaire,…

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Business Advice | Blog | Financing
The 2024 Guide to Preparing Your Business for Financing
April 16, 2024

Whether your business is a humble start-up or nearing unicorn status, you will inevitably need financing at one point or another to achieve the next stage of your growth.  If you want to take your business to the next level by purchasing new equipment, expanding your team, or even leasing new premises, here’s the inside…

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Business Advice | Blog
Business Finance Solutions That Prioritise Consistent Growth
March 27, 2024

So far, the 2020s have proven to be an economic era defined by instability and uncertainty. This is why SMEs should aim for consistent rather than episodic growth, but it’s also why achieving the former can be so challenging. Fortunately, we’ve developed a four-point plan to guide growing businesses through developing a growth consistency plan,…

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Business Advice | Blog
Could a Working Capital Loan Actually Minimise OpEx?
March 19, 2024

The beginning of March heralds the start of the new financial year for many. The SONA and budget speech have been delivered, the new tax year has begun, and everyone is starting on a clean slate. That makes this the perfect time to perform a little spring (autumn?) cleaning around your operating expenses, especially as…

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Business Advice | Blog
The Best Financing Tips for the End of the 2024 Tax Season
March 05, 2024

With the end of the 2024 financial year just past, it’s a time that small business owners tend to brush up on their tax acumen. The world of tax is complex, and diving in can feel precarious for the average entrepreneur. Fortunately, you don’t have to be a full-blown financial professional to get the most…

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Industry News | Blog
What the 2024 Budget Speech Means for Capital Financing Opportunities
February 28, 2024

As entrepreneurs and finance professionals, staying abreast of the Budget Speech is of the utmost importance — especially when you’re considering factors like capital financing. But, if you didn’t have a moment to spare to listen to the full speech by Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana, we’ve got your back. Here’s our summary of the most…

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Business Advice | Blog | Business Loans
The Unexpected Security of Unsecured Business Loans
February 07, 2024

Imagine you’re a small business owner sitting down at your laptop or scrolling through your smartphone, Googling funding solutions for your growing enterprise. You’re more than likely to encounter the term “unsecured business loans”. “Hmm,” you might think to yourself. “That doesn’t exactly sound like the kind of funding solution that gives a business owner…

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Business Advice | Blog
How Access to Fast Working Capital Grows More Sustainable Teams
January 11, 2024

South African SMEs are faced with a challenging conundrum: to achieve powerful, long-term growth, businesses need high-value resources like quality talent. But quality assets require an investment of time and money, two resources that are in unrelenting demand in growing businesses. That’s why access to fast working capital is so crucial for small enterprises.  Because…

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Blog | Business Advice
How Small Businesses Can Finance Their Marketing
January 11, 2024

We’re at the start of a new year, which means it’s the perfect time to reevaluate your marketing efforts, carefully analyse what has been working and what hasn’t, and look for new ways to engage new clientele and expand your business. Unless, of course, you’re 100% content with repeating the same outcomes as last year….

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Blog | Business Advice
Small Business Financing Options Benefit From a Positive Credit Score
December 12, 2023

Good credit helps you get good credit — that’s a fact, although not one commonly shared with small business leaders. According to Fundera’s 2023 Small Business Lending Statistics and Trends report, 36% of SMEs were denied small business financing options because of their credit score. According to experts writing for Forbes, part of this can…

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Blog | Business Advice
Online SME Lending and Other Cash Flow Risk Reduction Strategies
December 07, 2023

The importance of healthy, positive cash flow is not a revelation for most small business owners. At this size, ensuring a consistent and healthy inflow of cash to meet operating expenses (and growth opportunities!) is a primary goal. This is why it’s important to consider online SME lending and other cash flow risk management strategies…

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Blog | Business Advice
What Your Credit Score Has to Do With Your Business Financing Options
November 22, 2023

Not everybody understands what a credit score is, nor how important it is to know yours. But the credit score is not as mythical as it appears, and knowing what your personal and business credit scores are empowers you to negotiate better repayment terms and make more informed decisions about your business financing options.  Want…

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Business Loans | Blog
Cash Flow Lending for eCommerce: How to Maintain Positive Cash Flow
November 02, 2023

As any small business owner knows, cash flow is the lifeblood of growing enterprises. But this is especially true of eCommerce businesses. In an industry with famously slim margins and a propensity for volatility, maintaining healthy cash flow is vital for continued business growth and long-term success.  Learning how to effectively manage and maintain positive…

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Blog | Business Advice
How Cash Flow Lending Builds More Resilient Businesses
October 26, 2023

In the long wake of COVID and a fresh load shedding crisis in South Africa, it’s hardly a surprise that business resilience is on the brain. Recent world events continue to expose the fragility of supply chains, customer bases, and critical infrastructure. The answer to this instability? Building resilient businesses. And, you may be surprised…

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Financing | Blog
The Best Business Line of Credit for South African SMEs
October 03, 2023

Hey, we get it – alternative funding represents many opportunities for efficient and accessible financing solutions, which is great. But that’s just the thing – there are many of them. From invoice financing to bridging loans to securing a business line of credit, it can be tough to discern which option is best for your…

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Financing | Blog
Business Finance Solutions to Prepare You for Q4
September 26, 2023

Spring has just sprung, which means that it’s time to put on the Boney M. Christmas album and light the Hanukiah. We’re only half kidding – it’s never too early to prepare for the last quarter of the year, especially as this is often the busiest time of year for businesses from diverse industries. Holiday…

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Blog | Business Advice
Calling All Financing Advisors: Your Bridgement Partnership Awaits
September 14, 2023

Did you know that Bridgement has a partnership referral program?  Our exclusive partnerships are designed to empower your clients with more financing options while making you more indispensable to them, all while you can earn generous referral fees on the finances released to your clients.  You may be eligible for a partnership with Bridgement if: …

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Financing | Blog | Business Advice
Why Debt Financing Companies is Better Than Giving Up Equity
September 06, 2023

We’re going to come right out and say it – in most cases, debt financing companies is better than giving up equity in order to fund them.  Why? Debt is cheaper, and it doesn’t erode the control you have over your company (and, therefore, your life).  Equity financing is not the ideal fit for an…

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Business Loans | Blog
The Best Small Business Loans Come From a Partner, Not a Facilitator
September 01, 2023

If you thought that the best small business loans could only be found in the hallowed halls of traditional financial institutions, think again! The funding needs of South African SMEs have permanently transformed the financing sector for the better. Nowadays, growing businesses needing working capital have multiple options to consider when it comes to fulfilling…

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Business Loans | Blog | Business Advice
Small Business Financing Options for Time-Strapped SMEs
August 22, 2023

What do a 2008 pop collaboration between Madonna, Justin Timberlake and Timbaland and South African SMEs have in common? Well, only one of these parties is looking for small business financing options. But all of them are pressed for time. Some might say that they have only four minutes to save the world.  If that…

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Business Loans | Invoice Financing | Short Terms Loans | Blog
5 Ways Working Capital Financing Could Be the Key to SME Success
August 14, 2023

South African SMEs are a lot like houseplants. For both entities, the only consistent sign of success is growth. But unlike your neglected pothos (seriously, when was the last time you watered that thing?), a business needs a lot more than regular hydration and sunlight to thrive. That doesn’t mean that the solution to stimulating…

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Financing | Blog
Business Loans for Women Who Mean Business
August 07, 2023

In light of Women’s Month 2023, we’re spotlighting the hardest-working entrepreneurs on the continent: women. Even though women are significant contributors to the economic engines of many African countries, business loans for women are especially difficult to access.  Why?  Socioeconomic factors like low rates of financial literacy and less established networks certainly play a role…

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Business Loans | Blog
Sourcing Money for Business: Top 3 Challenges Faced By SMEs
July 27, 2023

Perhaps the most consistent challenges faced by South African enterprises all have to do with raising money for business. Whether you’re an entrepreneur trying to raise startup capital, an established SME in need of working capital, or a unicorn-sized company looking to take your business to even more mythical heights, all businesses are invested in…

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Blog | Business Advice
How To Secure Working Capital Without Business Collateral
July 20, 2023

Business funding is a bit of a Catch-22. SMEs need funding to purchase assets and grow the business, but most funding institutions require business collateral (i.e. assets) to secure a loan. In short: in order to procure assets, you need to pledge assets.   When your business is more established, this is less of a problem….

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Business Loans | Blog
Financing Services: How to Submit a Loan Application
July 12, 2023

Being an SME in South Africa is like running a sprint race with your legs tied together. You’re on the same track as the other runners, but their size and lack of metaphorical ties lend them a clear advantage in terms of winning. It sounds deeply unfair when you think about it this way but,…

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Business Loans | Blog
Could Cash Flow Lending See You Through a Dark Winter?
July 04, 2023

What do cash flow lending, load shedding, and Shakespeare have in common? If you keep reading this article, you might just find out.  “Now is the winter of our discontent,” said Gloucester in the Shakespeare play, King Richard III. It’s unlikely that the great Bard knew just how deeply his words would resonate with South…

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Business Loans | Cash Advances | Blog
Flexible financing options with BridgePay
July 02, 2023

Looking for flexible financing options to accommodate your growing business? Well, look no further. Along with a host of many other fast and flexible business funding solutions suited to South African SMEs, Bridgement offers a trade credit facility called BridgePay. In a nutshell? BridgePay makes it possible for customers to settle their invoices over 3…

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Business Loans | Blog | Business Advice
The ultimate guide to getting a small business loan
June 05, 2023

Here’s the deal: running a business is difficult. We know we’re preaching to the choir when we say that small business owners have their work cut out for them. Cash flow challenges and operational costs can leave you turning your pockets out in search of enough spare change to fund expansion. That’s why we’ve written…

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The influence of AI on SME financing options
May 29, 2023

Even though AI has been around for a long time, it’s hogging every headline visible to mankind at the moment – and for good reason. When it’s applied intelligently, Artificial Intelligence is set to improve all sorts of business operations from hiring processes to marketing efforts. It can even diversify your small business financing options. …

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Business Loans | Blog
What is a business line of credit?
May 24, 2023

As fintech experts, we deal with a lot of complicated questions. But we’re also all about making business funding simple. Which is why we’re equally comfortable coming up with innovative fintech solutions to SME-specific challenges as we are answering the question: what the heck is a business line of credit?  No pomp and circumstance here….

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Business Loans | Blog
Financing options for South African SMEs
May 08, 2023

Only two things in entrepreneurial life are certain: tax season, and needing financing options for SMEs. It’s a universal truth that all small businesses need a funding injection from time to time. Whether it’s to fund cash flow gaps, purchase new equipment, or hire new employees, SMEs are in a semi-permanent state of needing to…

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Person working with a book and calculator with the hashtag overlayed saying business loan.
Business Loans | Blog
How business loans work in South Africa: your 2023 guide
May 02, 2023

So, you’ve got a small local business up and running and the time has come to expand your operations, buy new equipment, or hire new staff – which is why you’re staring at your laptop, looking up how business loans work in South Africa. Well, we’re happy to report that you’ve come to the right…

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Business Loans | Blog
Getting a small business loan is a big business idea
April 24, 2023

Debt is not regarded with much favour in many circles. We blame Shakespeare. If it weren’t for The Merchant of Venice, maybe getting a small business loan wouldn’t be fraught with so many misconceptions.  Honestly, we get it. The idea of owing money to someone else can feel like a pair of shackles. But the…

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Invoice Financing | Blog
Small business invoice factoring vs financing: which one is for you?
April 19, 2023

Small business invoice factoring and debt financing are two different things – we know, it’s confusing. But we’re here to simplify things for you. We’ll get into the specifics in a short while, but here’s what you need to know right off the bat: under the right conditions, these short-term business financing models can be…

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Blog | Business Advice
Quick small business loans: how to avoid scams
April 17, 2023

One of the biggest and most consistent challenges faced by South African SMEs is securing quick small business loans. Because cash flow represents the lifeblood of SMEs at this stage of growth, speed is of the essence – specifically, a mode of speed that is not possible at the institutional pace of most traditional lenders….

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Business Loans | Blog
The 2023 guide to: how to qualify for a business loan in South Africa
April 11, 2023

Whether business owners are at the beginning or in the middle of their journey as an SME, one challenge remains constant: access to business funding. As a result, business leaders are always vigilantly looking out for financial solutions, and they normally begin by investigating how to qualify for a business loan in South Africa.  We’ll…

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Business Loans | Blog
Alternative funding for business: revolving credit
March 27, 2023

Given just how cumbersome and slow traditional funding channels can be, more and more SMEs are researching alternative funding for business. And why wouldn’t they? If the Minister of Finance’s budget speech and the President’s State of the Nation Address told us anything this past month, it was that South African SMEs are the engines…

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The role of accountants in SME funding
March 22, 2023

If you read our heroic article about why it’s high time that we recognised the very essential (and very cool) role that accountants and business advisors have to play in their organisations, you might think that we’re harbouring an agenda to MAGA (Make Accounting Great Again, obviously). And you’d be right.  All jokes and perfectly…

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Blog | Business Advice
Looking to the future with cash flow forecasting
March 16, 2023

Chances are when you woke up this morning, you consulted your phone for a few insightful metrics on the weather, the stock market, and the load shedding schedule (boo). Using past patterns to give shape to the future is part and parcel of preparing for every single day – deciding which coat to put on,…

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Blog | Business Advice
Unexpected business finance solutions: Why debt > equity
March 01, 2023

When you’re in charge of a young business – or if you’re advising somebody who is – you’ll always be on the lookout for business finance solutions. In the leafy undergrowth of the business world, many young enterprises are striving for a beam of heavenly sunlight (read: funding) from a benevolent celestial overlord (read: angel…

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Accountants, are you the best financing partner you could be?
February 28, 2023

If you’ll bear with us for a moment, we’re getting on our soapbox about something that just isn’t sitting right with us. It’s a travesty, really. You already know, of course, what we’re talking about. We’re talking about the misalignment of accountants and other business advisors in the popular imagination.  When did we settle for…

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Two people analysing business documents with the hashtag budget speech 2023
What the budget speech means for business funding solutions
February 24, 2023

Finance Minister Enoch Gondogwana delivered his annual Budget Speech on Wednesday, 22 February. If you’re reading this article, it’s possible that you didn’t watch it and you need to arm yourself with just enough information not to look like a fool at the water cooler. Or you just like to remain just really, really well…

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Blog | Business Advice
Master finance in business with these top tax tips
February 13, 2023

The conclusion of the 2023 tax year is fast approaching and tax season is upon us. With this in mind, we’re sharing a helpful guide on how to navigate tax like a pro. This is by no means an exhaustive guide to tax – you’re better off engaging the services of an accountant or a…

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Blog | Business Advice
The future of financing: Are you ready for 2023?
February 07, 2023

Personally, we don’t remember the last time a financing article began with a sentence that didn’t resemble something like, “Businesses have faced unprecedented challenges in the past year…” Take it as a sign of the times. Unfortunately, things are not exactly about to look up for businesses in the wake of the headline-hogging challenges which…

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Bridgement team huddle
Business Loans | Blog
BridgePay: Alternative funding for business
January 31, 2023

When you’re on the hunt for alternative funding for business, trade credit might not be the first solution that comes to mind. But using trade credit – whether you’re selling to or buying from other businesses – is a convenient and effective way of solving the same cash flow challenges that would push you to…

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Financing | Blog
Calculate your cashflow finance options: funding fundamentals
January 26, 2023

Let’s imagine, for argument’s sake, that a timer started running the moment you started reading this article. Remember that timer.  Okay, now back to the matter at hand. Because you are reading this article, that means that you are investigating alternative business funding options. Many businesses in South Africa run into cash flow dry periods….

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Business Loans | Blog
Why SMEs that need a business loan are losing interest in business funding
January 23, 2023

We’re going to come out and say it: securing business funding sucks. Outdated business funding processes belong to an anachronistic lending system which – let’s face it – is crumbling under the advance of a more customer-centric fintech industry. SMEs that need a business loan are losing interest in these processes – literally. When you…

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Team reading Bridgement's business horoscope based on industry
Cash flow, or cash flop? Your January business horoscope
January 17, 2023

Depending on what industry you work in, the start of a new year can represent radically different things. Right now, some of us are wound tighter than the purse strings, while others can’t count the cash fast enough. After all, one man’s cash flow is another man’s cash flop.  To help you prepare yourself for…

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Blog | Business Advice
Four ways SMEs can prepare for the festive season
December 06, 2022

Another year has come and passed, and preparations for a new one are already underway. While it is an exciting time for businesses as they soak up the festive cheer, a lot of preparation is required before we can call it a day. Including in-store and online promotions, marketing efforts to support them, and preparing…

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Blog | Business Advice
An SME’s guide to achieving your Black Friday goals in 2022
November 11, 2022

While Black Friday is one of the most profitable times of the year for retail giants, 85% of smaller sellers in Britain say they’re boycotting the event as they fight unnecessary consumerism. It would be interesting to see if South African businesses follow this trend. However, while competition might be fierce this time of year,…

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Illustrated person preparing for economic disruption
Blog | Business Advice
How SMEs can prepare for economic disruption
October 11, 2022

After one of the most gruelling pandemics in history, we’re also in the midst of a global recession. In light of this, it’s more important than ever to ensure business resilience. If you haven’t done so already, you should be investing time into analysing potential business risks and finding ways to combat these risks before…

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Supporting South African women in business
September 13, 2022

Today, we pay tribute to the incredible and inspiring women in business in South Africa. Thanks to them, people are now benefiting from education advocacy, as well as wine production. In support of women in business, we’re highlighting some of the most innovative women in South Africa, discussing the impact of fempreneurs on socio-economic activity…

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How automation technology is set to redefine the finance industry
August 24, 2022

The financial services sector is the recipient of dramatic digital transformation. We may be familiar with the more consumer-facing elements, such as the proliferation of mobile banking and internet banking, but there is a lot more going on behind the scenes with regards to how service providers, including those offering credit facilities, are embracing new…

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Blog | Business Advice
What small business owners need to know about SME tax
August 22, 2022

From deciding your business type, registering with SARS, and understanding special taxes and VAT registration, everything you’ve ever needed to know about SME tax can be found right here. Yes, tax season is not every business owner’s favourite time of year, but submitting returns doesn’t have to be as painful as we know it to…

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Financing | Industry News | Blog
Helping businesses survive load shedding
July 26, 2022

In response to the impact of loadshedding on South African businesses, data-driven alternative finance provider Bridgement offers a unique possible financing alternative power solutions to help entrepreneurs and business owners mitigate the effects of energy disruptions. The solution – called Alternative Power Financing – offers businesses a unique way to fund generators, inverters, and other…

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Blog | Business Advice
Everything you need to know about business expansion
July 19, 2022

If you are reading this, you’re likely considering expanding your business. Now, you are ready to embrace success and take your business to new heights. As a business owner, it is imperative that you ensure you’re ready for expansion, that you choose a method of growth that works for you and that you’re able to…

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Why South Africa’s SMEs are vital for economic recovery and upliftment
July 19, 2022

In his 2022 Budget Speech, Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana outlined several measures the National Treasury would undertake to support small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. These measures include a bounce-back scheme where small business loan guarantees of R15 billion would be facilitated through banks and other financial institutions, a partnership between…

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Blog | Business Advice
How SMEs can prepare for winter
June 09, 2022

The cold is right on our doorstep, which means it’s time to prepare for more nights in, more load shedding and the return of the winter sale. While many businesses can thrive during the winter, others are planning innovative ways to stay above water. Whether you’re going off the grid, finding ways to keep customers…

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Blog | Business Advice
Four things you need to know before starting a small business
May 12, 2022

Starting a business is one of the scariest, yet most rewarding things a person can do. You’re about to walk into a world that requires resilience among the journey’s twists and turns, agility when faced with unexpected changes, and gratitude for the small defeats that ultimately lead to success. Luckily, you’re not the only one…

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Business Loans | Blog
A finance partner is better than a loan facilitator
April 12, 2022

Gone are the days of walking into a bank and putting both your business and yourself on the line in front of a preoccupied loan officer who could on one hand reject your application because they want to leave early, or accept it and tie you into a lifetime of debt and repayments under the…

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Blog | Business Advice
The importance of keeping staff and keeping staff happy in a modern SME
March 16, 2022

It isn’t difficult to find a slew of quotes from the biggest business owners in the world about the importance of keeping staff and keeping them happy in order to grow a successful business, but you might be asking yourself “Why?”.  Why is it considered so important to retain good staff and have them as…

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Short Terms Loans | Blog
What you need to know about cash flow lending in 2022
February 10, 2022

Whether you find your business in a post-season slump or struggling to get a consistent influx of cash due to the ongoing and unstable landscape of a world dealing with COVID, the answer to ease your stress could be cash flow lending. This type of loan allows small businesses to borrow money based on their…

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Blog | Business Advice
4 Of the most common challenges facing SA entrepreneurs & how to overcome them
December 15, 2021

It’s not something exclusive to our shores (especially these days unfortunately), as across the world many small businesses struggle to get going and stay going, but stats show that most South African startups aren’t able to keep the doors open past the three-year mark.  Like in many new businesses around the world, most South African…

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Blog | Business Advice
Business trends to look out for in 2022
December 15, 2021

2021 is just about a thing of the past and while we could reflect on all that’s happened in the last 12 months (let alone the last 24), we chose to rather look ahead at the business trends for 2022. And indeed you can’t have one without the other, our past defines our future and…

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Industry News | Blog
Bridgement + The Slow Fund: Meet Thabang Mafela
November 12, 2021

In partnership with the Slow Fund, we’re incredibly excited to announce that Thabang Mafela, founder of Hokae Mobile Billboards, is the second of four entrepreneurs to win a R20 000 interest-free, fee-free business loan from Bridgement.  Hokae Mobile Billboards Launched by Thabang during the peak of Covid in 2020, Hokae Mobile Billboards is not only…

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Blog | Business Advice
5 Things SMEs Should Do To Prepare For The End Of The Year
November 05, 2021

As we approach the business-end of another year, many of us will be looking forward to a good break spent with friends and family, taking the time to recharge and refresh in preparation to do it all again next year. But if you’re the owner of an SME, or any business, there are a few…

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Blog | Business Advice
4 benefits to owning your own business
September 30, 2021

Starting your own business can be two very different things: rewarding and scary, but when you really think about it, if your service offering is thought out and something that consumers will want and come to you for, then history shows us that the rewards far outweigh the risks.  And what are some of those…

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Blog | Business Advice
4 Ways to keep your business website fresh and modern
September 08, 2021

Even before the world knew what the Novel Coronavirus was, the shift to conducting business digitally or online was well underway. Since the tech bubble burst way back when and the dotcom revolution became old hat, we have been steadily moving towards a digitally connected world. A world wide web.  And what comes with that…

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Blog | Business Advice
How Benchmarking can help grow your small business
August 11, 2021

The pandemic and resultant lockdowns have triggered economic hardship around the globe, especially for small, medium, and micro firms. In most countries, the majority of firms are SMEs, supplying a disproportionately to employment and the economy. According to a report by the Small Business Institute: “It is in these small businesses, and the aspirations of…

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Industry News | Blog
South Africa’s top 3 businesswomen in 2021
July 30, 2021

You don’t have to look very hard to find a plethora of incredible businesswomen in South Africa today. Some of the biggest brands and companies across an array of industries are being steered by powerful women from a range of backgrounds. Not only that, many have forged their own path in the SME arena to…

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Rands, taxes and calculator
Blog | Business Advice
How to avoid a 10% penalty from SARS this 2021 tax season
July 26, 2021

Debt and taxes in the time of Corona Benjamin Franklin is often quoted as saying that there are only two things certain in life: death and taxes. Some say that the quote originated in the book written by famous author Daniel Defoe, The Political History of the Devil. Regardless of who coined the phrase, two…

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Blog | Business Advice
How to accelerate growth through a brand collaboration
July 12, 2021

Some of the biggest brands on the planet have worked together in the past to create not only memorable but profitable campaigns and partnerships (GoPro & Red Bull – Stratos, Kanye and Adidas – Yeezy, Apple & MasterCard – Apple Pay), why shouldn’t you? You should. Brand collaboration can be a great way to gain…

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Industry News | Blog
Bridgement + The Slow Fund: Meet Simphiwe Mkhize, the first winner of a R20K interest-free business loan
June 07, 2021

In partnership with the Slow Fund, we’re incredibly excited to announce that Simphiwe Mkhize, founder of Simmy Bakes, is the first of four entrepreneurs to win a R20 000 interest-free, fee-free business loan from Bridgement.  Simmy Bakes Financial analyst Simphiwe Mkhize lost her job in 2018 after working in finance for eight years. As a…

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Blog | Business Advice
4 Simple ways to support local SMEs
June 04, 2021

Whether you run one, work at one, or visit one on the daily, as a South African you are guaranteed to encounter an SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) in some form whenever you leave your front door. And now with the online commerce and services experience being more prevalent than ever, you don’t need to…

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Blog | Business Advice
2 Things we learned from the R200 billion Guaranteed Loan Scheme (GLS)
May 03, 2021

Two hundred billion Rand was effectively made available to SMEs by the South African president over a year ago, but with less than 10% allocated, only a few thousand recipients, and just weeks left to apply, one has to ask, “Why so few takers?” What is a GLS? Outlined as the biggest portion of the…

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