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Business Loans | Invoice Financing | Short Terms Loans | Blog
5 Ways Working Capital Financing Could Be the Key to SME Success
August 14, 2023

South African SMEs are a lot like houseplants. For both entities, the only consistent sign of success is growth. But unlike your neglected pothos (seriously, when was the last time you watered that thing?), a business needs a lot more than regular hydration and sunlight to thrive. That doesn’t mean that the solution to stimulating…

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Business Loans | Blog
Sourcing Money for Business: Top 3 Challenges Faced By SMEs
July 27, 2023

Perhaps the most consistent challenges faced by South African enterprises all have to do with raising money for business. Whether you’re an entrepreneur trying to raise startup capital, an established SME in need of working capital, or a unicorn-sized company looking to take your business to even more mythical heights, all businesses are invested in…

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Business Loans | Blog
Financing Services: How to Submit a Loan Application
July 12, 2023

Being an SME in South Africa is like running a sprint race with your legs tied together. You’re on the same track as the other runners, but their size and lack of metaphorical ties lend them a clear advantage in terms of winning. It sounds deeply unfair when you think about it this way but,…

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Business Loans | Blog
Could Cash Flow Lending See You Through a Dark Winter?
July 04, 2023

What do cash flow lending, load shedding, and Shakespeare have in common? If you keep reading this article, you might just find out.  “Now is the winter of our discontent,” said Gloucester in the Shakespeare play, King Richard III. It’s unlikely that the great Bard knew just how deeply his words would resonate with South…

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Business Loans | Cash Advances | Blog
Flexible financing options with BridgePay
July 02, 2023

Looking for flexible financing options to accommodate your growing business? Well, look no further. Along with a host of many other fast and flexible business funding solutions suited to South African SMEs, Bridgement offers a trade credit facility called BridgePay. In a nutshell? BridgePay makes it possible for customers to settle their invoices over 3…

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Business Loans | Blog | Business Advice
The ultimate guide to getting a small business loan
June 05, 2023

Here’s the deal: running a business is difficult. We know we’re preaching to the choir when we say that small business owners have their work cut out for them. Cash flow challenges and operational costs can leave you turning your pockets out in search of enough spare change to fund expansion. That’s why we’ve written…

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Business Loans | Blog
What is a business line of credit?
May 24, 2023

As fintech experts, we deal with a lot of complicated questions. But we’re also all about making business funding simple. Which is why we’re equally comfortable coming up with innovative fintech solutions to SME-specific challenges as we are answering the question: what the heck is a business line of credit?  No pomp and circumstance here….

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Business Loans | Blog
Financing options for South African SMEs
May 08, 2023

Only two things in entrepreneurial life are certain: tax season, and needing financing options for SMEs. It’s a universal truth that all small businesses need a funding injection from time to time. Whether it’s to fund cash flow gaps, purchase new equipment, or hire new employees, SMEs are in a semi-permanent state of needing to…

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