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Tips, advice, news and more to run and grow your business.
Blog | Business Advice
How Small Businesses Can Finance Their Marketing
January 11, 2024

We’re at the start of a new year, which means it’s the perfect time to reevaluate your marketing efforts, carefully analyse what has been working and what hasn’t, and look for new ways to engage new clientele and expand your business. Unless, of course, you’re 100% content with repeating the same outcomes as last year….

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Blog | Business Advice
Small Business Financing Options Benefit From a Positive Credit Score
December 12, 2023

Good credit helps you get good credit — that’s a fact, although not one commonly shared with small business leaders. According to Fundera’s 2023 Small Business Lending Statistics and Trends report, 36% of SMEs were denied small business financing options because of their credit score. According to experts writing for Forbes, part of this can…

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Blog | Business Advice
Online SME Lending and Other Cash Flow Risk Reduction Strategies
December 07, 2023

The importance of healthy, positive cash flow is not a revelation for most small business owners. At this size, ensuring a consistent and healthy inflow of cash to meet operating expenses (and growth opportunities!) is a primary goal. This is why it’s important to consider online SME lending and other cash flow risk management strategies…

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Blog | Business Advice
What Your Credit Score Has to Do With Your Business Financing Options
November 22, 2023

Not everybody understands what a credit score is, nor how important it is to know yours. But the credit score is not as mythical as it appears, and knowing what your personal and business credit scores are empowers you to negotiate better repayment terms and make more informed decisions about your business financing options.  Want…

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Business Loans | Blog
Cash Flow Lending for eCommerce: How to Maintain Positive Cash Flow
November 02, 2023

As any small business owner knows, cash flow is the lifeblood of growing enterprises. But this is especially true of eCommerce businesses. In an industry with famously slim margins and a propensity for volatility, maintaining healthy cash flow is vital for continued business growth and long-term success.  Learning how to effectively manage and maintain positive…

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Blog | Business Advice
How Cash Flow Lending Builds More Resilient Businesses
October 26, 2023

In the long wake of COVID and a fresh load shedding crisis in South Africa, it’s hardly a surprise that business resilience is on the brain. Recent world events continue to expose the fragility of supply chains, customer bases, and critical infrastructure. The answer to this instability? Building resilient businesses. And, you may be surprised…

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Financing | Blog
The Best Business Line of Credit for South African SMEs
October 03, 2023

Hey, we get it – alternative funding represents many opportunities for efficient and accessible financing solutions, which is great. But that’s just the thing – there are many of them. From invoice financing to bridging loans to securing a business line of credit, it can be tough to discern which option is best for your…

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Financing | Blog
Business Finance Solutions to Prepare You for Q4
September 26, 2023

Spring has just sprung, which means that it’s time to put on the Boney M. Christmas album and light the Hanukiah. We’re only half kidding – it’s never too early to prepare for the last quarter of the year, especially as this is often the busiest time of year for businesses from diverse industries. Holiday…

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