Blog | Business Advice

6 Things Every SME Should Consider When Hiring Year-End Staff

By Lorin Mayers


October 30, 2020

The holiday period can be an especially manic one for many SMEs. From Black Friday to Christmas, you may be in need of more manpower depending on the industry you’re in. But before you panic-hire a part-time team at the last minute, consider these six things:

1. Expectation vs reality

If you’re expecting a potential increase in trade over the festive season, it’s worth determining whether you will need part-time employees to help put you in a better position for the holiday period. We recommend taking a look at your previous season and doing an assessment on what to expect for this year. 

2. How and who

Sourcing the right staff for your business is important, regardless of whether it’s long term or part-time. Digital job boards and social media platforms are the best ways to find young, casual staff that would be available to step in for part-time work during the festive season. 

3. Revive the lull

Due to the lockdown, a lot of SMEs and a large number of the workforce have come under immense pressure, so we suggest looking for manpower in industries that are experiencing a lull right now. Ensure contracts are in place and signed by all employees you hire, even if they’re temporary staff.

4. Communication

When looking for seasonal hires, communicate the specifications and manage expectations from the outset, so that all details are discussed and signed off prior to the hire. 

5. Is time on your side?

Your hires will need sufficient time to learn the ropes! Be sure to hire staff for the festive season as well in advance as possible, and put your best people in charge of training them. Hiring people in a panic at the last minute can easily cause more stress than relief down the line.

6. Cash flow

Additional staff will increase payroll and potentially put pressure on your cash flow in the short term. Be sure to budget properly and have a credit facility available in case the need arises.

2020 has been an incredibly difficult year. Give your business its best chance of ending the year on a good note, by ensuring you have the team you need trained up and revving to go.


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